By Gabriel Foster
I remember picking up this book some years ago after reading a poem or two of it somewhere. I was intrigued by the poet’s style and overall subject matter of relationships. Relationships consisted with a significant other, herself and family. I bought the book which was published by Andrews McMeel Publishing and it has become one of my favorite books of poems on my shelf as well as one of my favorite published poets.
The book “Mouthful of Forevers”, is a nice little find and almost every poem written takes you on a short journey of the poet and her ins and outs of the relationships she navigates. The poems are all skillfully written with such talent that you don’t want to put the book down until you’re substantially tasted enough to keep you going until the next delicious reading treat. Here is an excerpt of her work from the book:
“I am not the first person you loved.
You are not the first person I looked at
with a mouthful of forevers. We
have both known loss like the sharp edges
of a knife. We have both lived with lips
more scar tissue than skin. Our love came
unannounced in the middle of the night.
Our love came when we’d given up
on asking love to come. I think
that has to be part
of its miracle.
This is how we heal.
I will kiss you like forgiveness. You
will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms
will bandage and we will press promises
between us like flowers in a book.
I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat
on your skin. I will write novels to the scar
of your nose. I will write a dictionary
of all the words I have used trying
to describe the way it feels to have finally,
finally found you.
And I will not be afraid
of your scars.
I know sometimes
it’s still hard to let me see you
in all your cracked perfection,
but please know:
whether it’s the days you burn
more brilliant than the sun
or the nights you collapse into my lap
your body broken into a thousand questions,
you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
I will love you when you are a still day.
I will love you when you are a hurricane.”
Clemintine was born in Portland, Oregon of the United States and some of Ms. Von Radics poems have been adapted into song for the singer Melody Moore, who made her debut in 2015 at Carnegie Hall. Clementine has since gone on to sell over a hundred thousand books worldwide, made it on to the multiple bestseller lists, has toured 49 states and 6 countries. From her excerpt above, you can see why she is popular and appealing.
If you’re even more curious about her, do a search on the YouTube website to see some of her poetic audible performances, but ultimately, I do recommend a read of her book for complete satisfaction.
Click this Amazon link to see, learn more or purchase the book.
GF Poetic Wisdom | Relationships are a part of everybody’s lives. It’s a prison, there is no escaping it, only the chance to turn the keys of their hearts. ~ Gabriel Foster