By Gabriel Foster

A tired mind will always be in need of rest and rejuvenation. 
A small vacation from the chaos of constant thoughts, 
worry and problem solving.
Never mind that you a have face only a mother could love,
We both know ugliness runs deep in your family history.

Brick by brick, I want you to mentally dismantle the wall you built up within, 
a wall to keep others from helping you carry the burden of work you think 
is one hundred percent your responsibility alone. 
You might be their favorite teacher, someone that’s experience
In the art of receiving their spit balls square in the face without shame. 
That level of disrespect is only reserved for a teacher who is beloved. 

Yet! If you’re not successful in balancing the conflict of peace and stress 
within you, you risk not only losing yourself to the chaotic storm of that 
stress inside your own mind, and like a thief, 
you’ll be robbing the little ones of future memories of tormenting you.

Azibo raised his head and opened his refreshed eyes to look at his guide, 
with a smile. He stood up and stared for a bit at the guide and nodded. 
Finally, Azibo spoke, 
“I wish to be part of the wizarding school and children’s legacy.”,
“I will wear the crown of leadership and study the book of wisdom, just as 
soon as you remove the kick me sign, they placed on my back.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

GF Poetic Wisdom | Success or failure ultimately lies in a balanced mind to conceive and execute its brilliance.  ~ Gabriel Foster