By Gabriel Foster

Acidosis | Overacid Stomach | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease


A type of indigestion felt like a burning sensation in the chest, triggered by acid regurgitation into the esophagus. The burning sensation is felt near the heart area.


Heartburn happens when stomach acid backs up into the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach (esophagus). Usually when you swallow, a band of muscle around the bottom of your esophagus relaxes to accept food and liquid to stream down into your stomach. Then the muscle stiffens again. If the lower esophageal sphincter loosens abnormally or weakens, stomach acid can flow back up into your esophagus (acid reflux) and cause heartburn. The acid backup can be worse when you’re bending over or lying down.



  1. DRINKS – For an immediate solution, drink some water to help wash the HCI back down in a diluted form. You can also drink some raw potato juice, by blending or juicing a potato, then drinking it.
  2. FOOD HABITS – Eat more raw vegetables. Chew your food thoroughly, taking care to eat small mouthfuls and do eat at a slower paste.
  3. OTHER RELIEF – A quick and temporary relief from heartburn, would be to use “cramp bark, ginger and wild yam among others”. Massaging tincture of “lobelia” externally into the area and internally taking two or three drops regularly will be sufficient.
  4. POSTURE – Never lay down during an episode, stay upright, so gravity can help send the HCI back down and keep it there.
  5. TIGHT CLOTHES – Don’t wear tightly fitted clothes around the waist, keep it loose, that includes loosening your belt.
  6. WEIGHT LOSS – Extra weight causes heartburn to occur more frequently. If you can reduce that weight, you’ll experience less of it.


  1. ALOE VERA – Can be drunk to stop heartburn symptoms from occurring. It also helps protect the esophagus.
  2. ANGELICA – Great for heartburn in adults and colic and gas in children.
  3. ANTACIDES – Bitter herbs (goldenseal, gentian root and wormwood) and ginger root. Use a reduced amount before any meal to prevent heartburn. Swallow 2 capsules of ginger root once you’ve finished your meal to prevent heartburn.
  4. CARDAMOM – This herb helps remove gas.
  5. DIGESTIVE ENZYME – Papaya and pineapple comprises bromelain.
  6. DILL – This herb calms the digestive tract and treats heartburn. Process: Crush a few seeds and make tea. Warning: Pregnant women should not use this herb.
  7. FENNEL – Another herb used for treating heartburn.
  8. GENTIAN – Take a cup of this 30 minutes before eating a meal. This will prevent heartburn. Process: Simmer 1 tsp. in a cup of water for 30 minutes, then add a sprinkle of cayenne and ginger, and drink it.
  9. LICORICE – Chewing this helps protect the lining of the esophagus, reducing the risk of damage by “chronic” heartburn. It’s recommended that you use deglycerinated licorice, a form that’s chewable and can be taken 3 times daily in amounts of 1 to 2 tablets on an empty stomach. It is advised that it can protect against stomach ulcers from an excess of stomach acid.
  10. PEPPERMINT – Use this to make tea and drink it. You can also use Lemon balm, basil, and oregano.
  11. SLIPPER ELM – Helps alleviate the symptoms of acid indigestion by curing the mucous membranes.

Click here to learn more about an organic fast acting heartburn relief product on Amazon.

GF Wisdom | Heartburn is that bully that never stops, until you fight back with the tools of medicine ………use them.  ~ Gabriel Foster

Natural Health Safety Information: The remedies and health guidelines provided here are to be treated for educational purposes only. The information outlined is not intended to replace any medical advice or directive from your physician.