By Gabriel Foster She smelled the flowers of the garden he had built for her. Like a good bottle of white wine, She drank in the aroma of the moment, She surrendered to the songs of the birds near her, Blushed at the bees that sucked their conquest of nectar dry. She knew he was coming to propose marriage to her, She would not disappoint his decision and he Would be shown her own secret garden in return. She walked inside and half undressed herself, Taking great care to leave her goggles on her head And position herself seductively on the chaise lounge. Once her man knelt in front of her and said “yes”, She would ensure he also said yes a hundred times In return, soaked in sweat and steam for all the garden To bear witness. GF Poetic Wisdom | A woman pours romance into a cup and serves it to the one she goes weak in the knees for. ~ Gabriel Foster