By Gabriel Foster

High blood pressure, sometimes called hypertension, exists in a lot of people with no reason as the cause. For others, it’s due to certain diseases, especially of the kidneys.

To avoid complications from high blood pressure such as strokes, angina and thrombosis, see the options of using essential oils to help mitigate high blood pressure’s negative threats towards your overall wellbeing.

Essential oils for hypertension: Clary-sage, Hyssop, Lavender and Marjoram.

Massage once a day with the following formulas of essential oils and dosages:

Massage Oils

Hyssop                         5 drops

Marjoram                   10 drops

Geranium                    15 drops

Dilute with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil

Bath Synergistic Blend

Marjoram                   15 drops

Lavender                     5 drops

Geranium                    10 drops

Blend the synergistic oils together to form 4 drops per bath session

In addition to the essential oils above in the use curbing hypertension, it would be a good idea to change your diet to something that favors a plant base diet. In addition to eating raw food whenever you can, use olive oil, spices, onions, garlic, and ginger.

Click on the Amazon link here to discover Essential Oils for all your aromatherapy needs.

GF Wisdom | High blood pressure is reduced to normal levels when aromatherapy is applied like the morning sun on the first day of your healing journey. ~ Gabriel Foster

Natural Health Safety Information: The remedies and health guidelines provided here are to be treated for educational purposes only. The information outlined is not intended to replace any medical advice or directive from your physician.