By Gabriel Foster

There are some individuals and habits that come into your life and like the sun, they energize you with positive light and energy. Then there are other types of individuals and activities that enter your life and like a black hole of death, they suck you dry of everything good, including the shine right off the front teeth of your last dentist appointment.

How can we eliminate the bad and increase the good? Simple! Like a garden of weeds, you remove them from your life, one by one, or as many as you can remove with each repeated action of the removal process. There is no need to feel guilty for removing negatively disruptive people and things from your life that are only causing your existence pain and suffering. Short of a family member, individual or something of high importance to you, that you must have in your life, we must give ourselves permission to be guilt free and eliminate the toxic things that’s weighing us down.

People that are always there for us, especially in times of need and crisis and lend us their encouragement, support, and love, must be valued. We must always ensure they know what they mean to us and how appreciative we are of them in return. That type of value must never be neglected, least we lose it entirely. People that are generally positive and make us feel positive and good in the world, are another group that we should always try to keep close to us. Too many negative people in our lives telling us how much we can’t do something, or they always seem to have a negative outlook on life, isn’t helping the toxic pool building up in us, it just adds to it. Get into the habit of willfully selecting and choosing individuals to eliminate and add to your life, it will add value to your day-to-day living.

 In terms of activities, try to apply similar principles when adding and eliminating potential value worthiness to your life. There are some activities and things that do us no favors in enriching our lives. They’re a bit more difficult to remove, since activities rely on habits and are much harder to show it the way out the door, but unless you try, they will always remain an unwanted guest that took up residence in your life, with no departure date scheduled.

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GF Wisdom | When you radiate and flow with positive energy in life, be aware of those people & activities draining the roots of your bloom, cut them out. ~ Gabriel Foster.