By Gabriel Foster

Losing the weight is not easy for many, but it’s not impossible for those who have it harder than most, thanks to:

  • Depression after pregnancy
  • Brain chemistry changes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Stress
  • Lifestyle influences
  • Genetics

For those that have a medical condition that’s preventing them from losing weight, it is wise and preferred that you consult your medical professional and work with them on achieving your weight loss goals. For everyone else, it’s time to unlock your cage and set yourself free.

Like all problems that knock on the consciousness of your front door, you must answer the unwelcomed visitor at some point. How you deal with the overweight issue you’re having, will depend on whether the weight stays off for good.

For most people, a positive mental attitude and a lifestyle change is all you need to wage war on the fat invaders that have taken over your body and have affected your life in every way possible. But! For attitude and lifestyle to be affective in your weight loss strategy, you commit to eating more plant-based foods.

Positive Attitude

Stop rolling your eyes, yes, you’ve heard the term used and drummed in your head enough times, you’re probably ready to wrestle to the ground the next person that tells it to you. But! There is no denying of its power to do miraculous things once adopted. There will be days when you don’t feel like working out or eating the things that you need to eat to help you lose the weight and feel better. Those are the kind of days where you’ll need the strength of your positive attitude motivating you to make the right decisions to further your weight loss goals.

Lifestyle Change

Diet and exercise are the tools you must use to start losing the weight. What you eat is just as important as how much you eat. Less fat and more fiber are a good start.

The studies are consistent, add more fruits and vegetables to your diet to reduce your fat. Drink more water and reduce your intake of the sugary drinks. Control the fork, so you can control the fat, meaning, eat less portions that don’t stretch out your stomach to the point of hurting when you eat. If you’re out to a restaurant, don’t be afraid not to leave food on the table if it’s too much, or simply box up the leftovers and take it home to eat another time.

The pain of exercise is soothed with the pleasure of the endorphins the body releases during exercise. Be mindful and move your body regularly. The human body wasn’t made to sit still for long hours and not move. That feature is called sleeping and even then, you toss and turn to some degree. If you’re in the office or working from home, take those breaks and walk. Make a promise to yourself to join a gym or buy some exercise equipment (and use it). Exercise will be a major factor in losing the weight and keeping you fit and healthy.

Plant Based Foods

A plant-based diet doesn’t mean becoming a vegetarian like me, but it does mean having your meals contain mostly fruits and vegetables as opposed to a meat heavy diet. Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are filled with beneficial nutrients like antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and protein. The fiber in fruits and vegetables are not 100% broken down by the digestive system in your body so your good stomach microbes benefit from that. In addition, fiber itself makes you feel full, so your unlikely to eat less, aiding you in losing that weight.

With all the above being said, you must become like the mythological bird the phoenix and let the old you burn away as the new you emerge into a new lifestyle that is desperately needed. One of focus, goals and follow through when it comes to weight loss. Be wise about your situation and get started on your journey today. Any results you obtain, will depend on your life change period. Without accepting a change of life in what you eat and how you exercise, disappointment and its friend failure will be visiting you at the door again.

Click on this link to learn more about other holistic approaches to weight lost, including recipes show cased in a Mediterranean diet weight loss book on Amazon.

GF Wisdom | True weight loss occurs when the magic of desire, life change and a positive attitude are planted within, to grow success outward. ~ Gabriel Foster