By Gabriel Foster


This type of headache often attacks one or both sides of the head. Migraine pain can often last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours and often is severe but can sometimes be mild. Nausea and sensitivity to sound, light or even smells are often accompanied by the migraine episode. Then comes the red or watery eyes or even a runny nose due to the direct experience from the migraine.


Migraines are caused by interruptions in the blood vessels. The blood vessels in the brain, experiences interruptions via constriction and dilation. Commonly, people between the ages of 10 to 30, bear the full force of a migraine headache. Some of the other triggers for this type of headache, are food allergies, dental issues, lack of exercise, flashing lights, depression, water retention, menstruation (more women than men often experience migraines), liver malfunction, not enough sleep or too much sleep, barometric pressure changes, emotional fluctuations, hormonal fluctuations, sun glare and flashing light.



  1. DIET – Switch your diet to reflect foods that help manage your migraine. Foods that help stabilize your blood pressure, would be things like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes. Avoid foods like sugary foods and drinks, the entire white flour listing of products and processed foods.
  2. EXERCISE – Daily robust exercises will help keep the migraine from emerging, but in the event a bout still comes through, do not perform any of your vigorous exercises.
  3. HEAD WRAPS – Wrapping something tight on the head, often decreases the attack.
  4. SLEEP SCHEDULE – Too much or too little sleep, can trigger a migraine, so it is important to identify the right sleeping schedule that works for you and stick to it.
  5. SUN GLARE – can be avoided to stop the sun light from triggering a migraine. Just stay in the shade on bright days. In some cases, use an ice cap or ice compress on the head, relaxing in a darken room.
  6. VITAMINS – Use B Complex tablets daily. Vitamin C divided doses of 2,000-6,000 mg. Also take Rutin the bioflavonoid, in 200 mg. Calcium in 2,000 mg and Magnesium in 1,000 mg.


  1. FEVERFEW – Very effective against migraine in its full force. Using this herb is discouraged if the migraine bout is mild.
  2. GINGER – Excellent herb for preventing migraines. Widely used in Asia.
  3. GARLIC AND ONIONS – These also prevent migraines.
  4. LEMON BALM – Another excellent herb used in the treatment of migraine.
  5. CHAMOMILE – Use this herb in tea form, to relieve pressures that triggers headaches. Any feelings of tightness in your head fades away.
  6. PEPPERMINT – This can be used in multi forms. Infusion form, steep 5 to 15 minutes, take 6 oz, about 3 times daily. In fluid extract form, take ½ to 2 tsp, 3 times daily.
  7. ROSEMARY OIL – Rub on your forehead and temples, 10 parts vegetable oil. It can be used as nasal vapor through repeated inhalation. Another option is to steep the herb in powered form, for 5 to 15 minutes, then take 2 oz. 3 times daily.
  8. VALERIAN & LAVENDER – As a combination in tea form, the mix reduces stress associated with migraines and relaxes any vascular contractions.

Here is another of my written remedy articles that deals with a related headache, just click here to read it.

Click the following Amazon link to learn more about an excellent migraine relief supplement that is actually effective.

GF Wisdom | Migraines are painful storms that paralyze the brain, yet can be tamed and reversed by the healer in you. ~ Gabriel Foster

Natural Health Safety Information: The remedies and health guidelines provided here, are to be treated for educational purposes only. The information outlined is not intended to replace any medical advice or directive from your physician.