By Gabriel Foster

I discovered Nikita Gill a few years back and I was immediately drawn to her poetry style and insights. I remember thinking this girl has talent as I read some of her poems that I had found on the internet. Shamefully it took me a little more time to realize that what she was doing through her poems, was being an inspiration to women everywhere. Every poem, every mini story, was meant to uplift women. Yet! Most of the poems were easily translatable to men as well, because at its core, her poems touch the human spirit.

Nikita Gill was born in Belfast Ireland to Indian parents living in Ireland, thus automatically becoming an Irish citizen. She also holds citizenship of India. When Nikita was six years old, her and her parents moved to New Delhi India, where she grew up and was former educated. Nikita studied design at the university of New Delhi and obtained her master’s degree at University for the Creative Arts.

Here is an except from her book Wild Embers called “The Becoming”:

You became.
When you believed you were nothing.
When everything you loved deserted you.
When you crawled out of the abyss.
When the darkness was so great
It swallowed you whole.
When failure tried to pinch
Your soul between its greedy fingers.
When everyone you cared for broke your heart.

This woman that you are today,
You became her by breaking
Over and over and over again.

Allow no one to take that away from you.
You are valuable. You are precious.
Because you built yourself from chards.

You broke to become.

The book was published by Hachette Books and can be found on Amazon at the following link: Click here to learn more about the book Wild Embers.

GF Poetic Wisdom | Every soul need love and encouragement, receiving it and providing it as inspirational poetry, is good nourishment. ~ Gabriel Foster