By Gabriel Foster Sharon didn’t care, she was happier than she had ever been in a very long time. She rode the hill with a burning innocence that threatened to lift her out of her seat on the bicycle. Even the wildflowers in her basket attached to the front of the bike, seemed to scream with the same excitement of her wild laughter. She shouted at the phoenix flying above her, “how do you feel?” And the phoenix replied “like the wind rushing pass you right now.” Sharon only laughed harder kicking out her legs to the side as she stopped peddling to enjoy the feeling of the moment. How lucky was she to have found her childhood friend that was lost to her during her teenage years. The phoenix was resurrecting the almost dead embers inside her to the roaring fires of life that was forgotten. As an adult, she bought into the idea that burying the little girl within for handling the pressures of responsibilities was what she had to do. That concept came with a package of sadness and tiredness of the world. Her fire bird was rekindling the playfulness inside her, teaching her once more that it was necessary to sometimes let the little girl within come out and play, even in the madness of a world that no longer seemed to laugh at the simple things in life. In order to stay healthy and happy, this was a lesson, Sharon would not soon forget. GF Poetic Wisdom | Love life and ride it like it’s your precious gift, for to be distracted by the things that do not matter, is to cheat yourself of a life well lived. ~ Gabriel Foster