By Gabriel Foster The wishing trees sheltered her from prying eyes as She read from the book of spells and forbidden secrets. As she recited the spells……………. She remembered her past life………….. Her sanity was never in question, only her half-broken spirit. Life became her game of hide and seek, Her dreams hid and her disappointments found her. She pondered the many days and nights of when the Opportunity of love sidestepped away from her, While romance stared from the window, Yet pulled its curtains shut on her. Family took her for granted and she was often Invisible at get parties and other functions. On the job, raises by passed her hands and Sat in undeserved laps of co-workers and acquaintances. Her world was a prison of despair and tears, Anger and pain performing a ballet of untold horrors Within her. Today, she smiled, for her life did change after she had unlocked The secrets of the wishing trees, now powered by the magical Elixirs she was now brewing. Now she was like a queen among all, a bird that soared with love And passion through silk skies. She became a business owner that moved her employees Like chess pieces on a board to produce more money than She could count. Men pursued her day and night; She was irresistible and charismatic in her behaviors. Her ballet of horrors were dead and buried In her theatre of music and songs. Catherine opened her eyes from the dream of remembrance And smiled at finally becoming the best sorceress in her province. Catherine uttered the spell to reveal the rival sorceress who Cursed her all these long years. For she was about to unleash The pent-up rage of a painful hell unto them……………………. GF Poetic Wisdom | in the darkness, sprinkle the smoke that chokes you, with the light of your inspiration, until you are free. ~ Gabriel Foster