By Gabriel Foster Mario! You short basket of fun. I’m delighted to see you again my old friend, You’ve been gone for too long, This time around. Come walk with your friend Lady Veronica. Tell me grand master, does princess Peach, Still smell like a daydream in that other world, Or has Bowser managed to blow out some of Her candlelight imprisoned in his dark dungeon. It’s been too long since you’ve been gone my friend. And what of your brother Luigi? Is he still your loyal sidekick, or does he still have Aspirations to eclipse you and your mushroom Adventures? It’s been too long since you’ve been gone my friend. And why haven’t you started telling me about your Adventures grandmaster? I’m I not worthy of your Amazing tales? Or am I boring you with this line of questioning? Mario turned to Lady Veronica: Not at all Lady Veronica, I was just thinking of What a good pair we make. You are making me walk the talk with you, And me making you flap your gums like unbearable Hums. It truly has been too long since I’ve been gone. GF Poetic Wisdom | Beautiful Ladies with big mouths, may lack certain elegance in public, but in private I can assure you, the trauma doesn’t get any better. ~ Gabriel Foster