By Gabriel Foster

Here is a list of the different types of poetry that exist today in the world. This list is continuously growing as newer poetry types enter this fascinating universe of literary artistry.

  1. Anagrammatic Poetry
  2. Ars Poetica
  3. Awdl Gywydd
  4. Ballade
  5. Barzeletta a/k/a Frottola-barzelletta
  6. Blackout Poems
  7. The Blitz
  8. Bob and Wheel
  9. The Bop
  10. Breccbairdne
  11. Bref Double
  12. Byr a Thoddaid Poems
  13. Casbairdne
  14. Cascade
  15. Catena Rondo
  16. Cento
  17. Cethramtu Rannaigechta Moire
  18. Chanso
  19. Chant
  20. Chant Royal
  21. Chueh-chu
  22. Cinquain
  23. Clerihew
  24. Clogyrnach
  25. Concrete Poems
  26. Contrapuntal Poems
  27. Cro Cumaisc Etir Casbairdni Ocus Lethrannaighecht
  28. Curtal Sonnet
  29. Cut-up Method a/k/a Technique)
  30. Cyhydedd Fer
  31. Cyhydedd Hir
  32. Cyhydedd Naw Ban
  33. Cyrch A Chwta
  34. Cywydd Deuair Fyrion
  35. Cywydd Deuair Hirion
  36. Cywydd Llosgyrnog
  37. Dansa
  38. Dechnad Cummaisc
  39. Dechnad Mor
  40. Decima
  41. Deibide Baise Fri Toin
  42. Descort
  43. Diminishing Verse
  44. Dizain
  45. Dodoitsu
  46. Double Dactyl
  47. Droigneach
  48. Echo Verse
  49. Ekphrasis a/k/a Ekphrastic Poetry
  50. Elegy
  51. Endecha
  52. Englyn Byr Cwca
  53. Englyn Cyrch
  54. Epitaphs
  55. Erasure Poems
  56. Espinela
  57. The Fib
  58. Found Poetry
  59. Free Verse
  60. Ghazal
  61. Glose a/k/a Glosa
  62. Gogyohka
  63. Golden Shovel
  64. Graphic Poetry a/k/a Visual Poetry
  65. Gwawdodyn
  66. Gwawdodyn Byr
  67. Gwawdodyn Hir
  68. Haibun
  69. Haiku
  70. Haiku Sonnet
  71. Hay(na)ku
  72. Hir a Thoddaid
  73. Huitain
  74. Imayo
  75. Interlocking Rubaiyat
  76. Italian Octave
  77. Katauta Poems
  78. Kimo
  79. Kouta
  80. Kwansaba
  81. Kyrielle
  82. Lai
  83. Landay
  84. Lethrannaegecht Mor
  85. Limerick
  86. List Poem
  87. Luc Bat
  88. Lune
  89. Madrigal
  90. Magic 9
  91. Masnavi a/k/a Mathnawi
  92. Minute Poem
  93. Mistress Bradstreet Stanza
  94. Mondo
  95. Monotetra
  96. Nashers
  97. Nonce Forms
  98. Nonet
  99. Novem
  100. Occasional Poetry
  101. Ode
  102. Ottava Rima
  103. Ovillejo Poems
  104. Palindrome a/k/a Mirror Poetry
  105. Pantoum
  106. Paradelle
  107. Pregunta
  108. Prose
  109. Qasida
  110. Quatern
  111. Quintilla
  112. Rannaigheact Mhor
  113. Renga
  114. Rhupunt
  115. Rimas Dissolutas
  116. Rime Couee
  117. Rinnard
  118. Rispetto
  119. Rondeau
  120. Rondeau Redoublé
  121. Rondel
  122. Rondel Supreme
  123. Rondelet
  124. Rondine
  125. The Roundabout
  126. Roundel
  127. Roundelay
  128. Schuttelreim
  129. Seadna
  130. Sedoka
  131. Seguidilla
  132. Senryu
  133. Sestina
  134. Shadorma
  135. Sicilian Octave
  136. Sijo
  137. Skeltonic Verse
  138. Snam Suad
  139. Soledad
  140. Somonka
  141. Sonnet
  142. Stornello
  143. Strambotto
  144. Tanka
  145. Tautogram
  146. Tawddgyrch Cadwynog
  147. Terzanelle
  148. Than-bauk
  149. Toddaid
  150. Trenta-Sei
  151. Treochair
  152. Trian Rannaigechta Moire
  153. Tricubes
  154. Trimeric
  155. Triolet
  156. Tripadi
  157. Triversen
  158. Viator
  159. Villanelle
  160. Virelai
  161. Waka
  162. Waltmarie
  163. Ya-du
  164. Zappai
  165. Zejel

The list is lengthy yes and as I said is growing. You are welcome to continue to explore this list by researching the many types of poetry listed here. See what makes them different or similar. Their histories and what part of the world birthed them.

Click this Amazon link to see, learn about the book, A Gesture of Words: Poetry Forms and Formulas.

GF Poetic Wisdom | The world of poetry is as plentiful as the night sky’s stars. With each blink of the eye, another masterpiece is seen and its poetic sunlight felt. ~ Gabriel Foster