By Gabriel Foster
Here is a list of the different types of poetry that exist today in the world. This list is continuously growing as newer poetry types enter this fascinating universe of literary artistry.
- Anagrammatic Poetry
- Ars Poetica
- Awdl Gywydd
- Ballade
- Barzeletta a/k/a Frottola-barzelletta
- Blackout Poems
- The Blitz
- Bob and Wheel
- The Bop
- Breccbairdne
- Bref Double
- Byr a Thoddaid Poems
- Casbairdne
- Cascade
- Catena Rondo
- Cento
- Cethramtu Rannaigechta Moire
- Chanso
- Chant
- Chant Royal
- Chueh-chu
- Cinquain
- Clerihew
- Clogyrnach
- Concrete Poems
- Contrapuntal Poems
- Cro Cumaisc Etir Casbairdni Ocus Lethrannaighecht
- Curtal Sonnet
- Cut-up Method a/k/a Technique)
- Cyhydedd Fer
- Cyhydedd Hir
- Cyhydedd Naw Ban
- Cyrch A Chwta
- Cywydd Deuair Fyrion
- Cywydd Deuair Hirion
- Cywydd Llosgyrnog
- Dansa
- Dechnad Cummaisc
- Dechnad Mor
- Decima
- Deibide Baise Fri Toin
- Descort
- Diminishing Verse
- Dizain
- Dodoitsu
- Double Dactyl
- Droigneach
- Echo Verse
- Ekphrasis a/k/a Ekphrastic Poetry
- Elegy
- Endecha
- Englyn Byr Cwca
- Englyn Cyrch
- Epitaphs
- Erasure Poems
- Espinela
- The Fib
- Found Poetry
- Free Verse
- Ghazal
- Glose a/k/a Glosa
- Gogyohka
- Golden Shovel
- Graphic Poetry a/k/a Visual Poetry
- Gwawdodyn
- Gwawdodyn Byr
- Gwawdodyn Hir
- Haibun
- Haiku
- Haiku Sonnet
- Hay(na)ku
- Hir a Thoddaid
- Huitain
- Imayo
- Interlocking Rubaiyat
- Italian Octave
- Katauta Poems
- Kimo
- Kouta
- Kwansaba
- Kyrielle
- Lai
- Landay
- Lethrannaegecht Mor
- Limerick
- List Poem
- Luc Bat
- Lune
- Madrigal
- Magic 9
- Masnavi a/k/a Mathnawi
- Minute Poem
- Mistress Bradstreet Stanza
- Mondo
- Monotetra
- Nashers
- Nonce Forms
- Nonet
- Novem
- Occasional Poetry
- Ode
- Ottava Rima
- Ovillejo Poems
- Palindrome a/k/a Mirror Poetry
- Pantoum
- Paradelle
- Pregunta
- Prose
- Qasida
- Quatern
- Quintilla
- Rannaigheact Mhor
- Renga
- Rhupunt
- Rimas Dissolutas
- Rime Couee
- Rinnard
- Rispetto
- Rondeau
- Rondeau Redoublé
- Rondel
- Rondel Supreme
- Rondelet
- Rondine
- The Roundabout
- Roundel
- Roundelay
- Schuttelreim
- Seadna
- Sedoka
- Seguidilla
- Senryu
- Sestina
- Shadorma
- Sicilian Octave
- Sijo
- Skeltonic Verse
- Snam Suad
- Soledad
- Somonka
- Sonnet
- Stornello
- Strambotto
- Tanka
- Tautogram
- Tawddgyrch Cadwynog
- Terzanelle
- Than-bauk
- Toddaid
- Trenta-Sei
- Treochair
- Trian Rannaigechta Moire
- Tricubes
- Trimeric
- Triolet
- Tripadi
- Triversen
- Viator
- Villanelle
- Virelai
- Waka
- Waltmarie
- Ya-du
- Zappai
- Zejel
The list is lengthy yes and as I said is growing. You are welcome to continue to explore this list by researching the many types of poetry listed here. See what makes them different or similar. Their histories and what part of the world birthed them.
Click this Amazon link to see, learn about the book, A Gesture of Words: Poetry Forms and Formulas.
GF Poetic Wisdom | The world of poetry is as plentiful as the night sky’s stars. With each blink of the eye, another masterpiece is seen and its poetic sunlight felt. ~ Gabriel Foster