By Gabriel Foster

He wore his failure like naked 
Leaves exposing his soul.
She wanted to take away his pain,
Set sail to it on the river and ignite 
The fire that would eventually 
Burn away his missteps.

He wanted her forgiveness above all,
For these were her lands, her home
And her realm, and he was grateful
She allowed him and his kind
To live here.

He looked at her dripping in his
Own disappointment, shame and
His weary eyes looked upon her
Magnificent wings, nails and fangs.
If only he was half the warrior, she
Was, the small band of his soldiers laying
Dead at the forest edge would be alive.

She wanted to tell him that his failure 
Isn’t the type of clothes 
He’d have to wear the rest of his life,
That beyond the backstabbing 
Whispers and snickers,
It was important for him to get back 
Up with courage as his mistress.
Show her off to the enemy and lead his 
Army to the war to end all hellish wars.

GF Poetic Wisdom | When faced with insurmountable odds, take off your mask of emotional defeat & wear the one that breaths courage. ~ Gabriel Foster