By Gabriel Foster Her presence demanded a second look. She was that beautiful. Her skin bathed in the white light of a thousand heavens and her royal stance commanded respect. Yet! The hunters gave chase like lions choked by hunger in emerald greed. They fired their weapons at her and took her down like falling clouds. They stood around her laughing and celebrating when the disapproving ground beneath them gave way and collapsed, plunging them on pointed spikes. They all screamed with pain pricking their very souls. The Unicorn’s eyes opened, she smiled, stood up in front of the hunters who were still wreathing in pain, now turned to horror and disbelief. She made them a proposal “Me and my kind can fix your situation where your accident never happened, your wounds would disappear, hiding your failures forever, and your suffering no longer castrating your limp pride.” “In return, you’ll be human toys for the little ones in my village on the weekends.” “Once you accept this proposal, it cannot be broken without you three returning to this very moment continuing to die a slow agonizing death.” The hunters hurriedly agreed to the unicorn’s terms…………… The following weekend, the hunters were in the unicorn’s village pretending to be horses while the baby unicorns all rode on them giggling and laughing up the time of their sunshine lives. The men were not laughing though, they were too busy swallowing their humiliations of watching the now tattooed words on each other’s forehead………Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest. The White Ghost, the name the hunters gave to her, smiled at them, and said, “Don’t look to me for answers.” “Your predicament was written in the book of stupidity.” “If you’re to be a success at hunting, you must do your homework and learn all that you can about your prey in order to secure a successful outcome.” “Clearly you failed to understand this simple fact and now it’s costing you at least three years of humiliation with the little ones riding you like a merry go round on a one dollar bill purchase.” GF Poetic Wisdom | An illusion of weakness, will always breed defeat when you need strength the most. ~ Gabriel Foster