By Gabriel Foster
She stepped off the flower and into the air above, Marrying her thoughts to her emotional analysis of the Situation. Raising taxes on his people every year To finance vain projects within the castle walls, Is like forcing some of his subjects to be booth lickers, In his royal closet, simply because they were born With longer than average tongues. Our people deserve better and fairer treatment, They’ve supported us not just when we waged war, And stole lands from foreigners, But when we successfully defended the realm, From those same bastards trying to take back their rightful lands. The king thinks it’s so easy to lie and convince our subjects That we are doing the right things for their benefit And well being………..it is not, Their intelligence is slightly above average, Just enough to spark their mental candles into illuminating The truth of what we do. But! Over taxing them outrageously is going too far. Our people deserve better and fairer treatment………… She made a one eighty in mid flight and back to the To the castle she flew, to try and make the case To her brother the king…………….. GF Poetic Wisdom | Selfishness is the door that shuts out the possibilities of opportunities. ~ Gabriel Foster