By Gabriel Foster

Holistic living is simply living your life in balance with mind, body, and spirit, not just in reference to one aspect, but in complete unison of those three factors. Our entire lifestyle must come under scrutiny and improved upon for the betterment of our existence. A healthy, balanced and fulfilling lifestyle should be at the top of our lifelong goals. The whole process is like buying a diamond with all its continued promises of sparkling colors, toughness, beauty and longevity. Over time that diamond begins to lose its luster. The beautiful rainbow colors, supreme toughness, hypnotic beauty, and enviable longevity begin to decline slowly. This happens from the diamond being taken for granted by poor maintenance and placing it in unnecessary risky situations, until one day the owner decides to take the time and clean it with special formulas and adhere to the general upkeep recommended by jewelers. Slowly but surely, all aspects of the diamond, including its original beauty, begin to shine forth once more to keep the promise of excellence and enchantment alive.

You too, may have taken your life for granted and now need to rediscover your more positive aspects and improve and create new ones that will keep you shinning with all the colors of life.

Start With Health

Living a holistic life isn’t possible if you don’t address your health. Even if you are very healthy, you still need to ensure you keep staying that way when possible. If you’re in poor health, seek the help and advice of your physician or other qualified health professional. Never! And I mean never, exclude seeking help from both conventional (traditional western medicine) and alternative/natural (eastern and unorthodox medicine). Why? Because when one fails or isn’t right for you, the other with careful supervision/advice from your qualified health professional, may prove satisfactory. The goal is to get you well or keep you in a healthy state.

Gardening, Nature & Pets

Gardening your back or front yard can have tremendous rewarding experiences. There’s nothing like the thrill of somehow creating life, feeding it and caring for it. You’re the conductor in your orchard of symphony, blooming with various melodies of shrub, bush, and scent. Such an activity creates a wellbeing throughout yourself and lowers stress levels etc.

Having a pet also produces the same results of gardening with an added return of unconditional love from the pet. Studies even show that people with pets live longer. That’s because they’re happier first and foremost. They have a constant source of unconditional love and support from the pet, even though they may have done something wrong, felt depressed or have a host of other negative reasons.

Gardening and interaction with a pet are what we call “nature” as if “we” are apart from it and it is something totally different from us. We ourselves are animals of the highest order and remain dependent on nature and our ecological system for good living. A few days without sunshine causes depression and feelings of gloom to dictate our mood. Walking through a park filled with standing trees, scurrying squirrels and whispering breeze, suddenly causes one’s stress level to drop dramatically and feelings of wellbeing take over along with a healthy dose of happiness and content. So, go on and take that walk on the beach you’ve been putting off or just simply watching the night sky for the awe-struck wonder of stars that tell us we are all connected, we are nature, we are part of the universe.

Exercise and Eating Well

Eating nutritionally is one of the few ways you can ensure good health. That doesn’t mean that you can never have that piece of chocolate that’s been teasing your thoughts all day. What it really means is that you should eat more nutritious meals than meals that don’t do anything positive for you like “soda”.

Exercise! Depending on your personality type, will make you cringe at the mere thought of it or get an adrenalin rush from head to toe at the very notion of doing it. Either way, there is no denying that everybody needs it, whether or not they want it. Exercise keeps you in shape and good health. It burns off calories and lowers your cholesterol among many other positive benefits. There are those who will argue that being round suits them just fine. That’s all well and good, but if the weight is straining your heart and causing heart disease, then it’s not good for you.


Self-improvement is one of the most important ways you can improve your life and existence. From all the above suggestions to daily meditation, visualization and positive relationships among family and friends. Example! If you have a difficult personality that’s more trouble than it’s worth, why not make a decision to change it. Just like that! Make the decision and proceed with finding ways to improve your personality. Basically, self-improvement is the building blocks for a mind-blowing winning formula for holistic living. Nothing worth pursuing is often easy, but once gained, adds value to your life and enriches it immensely.

While the holistic life consist of spirit, mind & body, here is a book that focuses on the physical health of a person written by a well respected doctor. The holistic still comes into play in this guide to wellness located on Amazon.

GF Wisdom | Live your life holistically, let the cohesive music of spirit, mind & body play as one orchestra on the stage of life. ~ Gabriel Foster