By Gabriel Foster His kisses were like short stories, playing themselves out across my body and turning every page of emotional bliss within me. I remember his warm embraces, like drops of ink, they wrote the secret vows of our love upon the world. A fearful world which eventually took him away from me. I would trade my immortal lifespan for one more sit down of scolding from him, simply because I was playing with my food. Like swans on the lake, our cozy sit downs infected each other with riveting conversations of worth and mirth. I remember his laughter and vampiric smiles. His smile strategized the opening of the gated fortress of my heart every time. Even my anger, knelt in welcome of them. His smiles seemed to burn like oil and fire through my soul, obliterating all resistance to him, yet it was not the ancient magic in his eyes taking by force, but instead, an invitation between romance and love wrapped in his art of seduction. Always! That combination got him what he wanted…………my heart served up to him, so, he could love it like no other. My heart still breaks from the loss of him. Too many nights have visited me at my bedside, lost in heartbroken trance, with the memories of his ghost running down the tears of my cheeks. No more! My heart cries out for revenge and it will have an army of rage and pain forged into a storm of payback and suffering, to those that that took him from me. GF Poetic Wisdom | Love is the only Elixir that is both sane and maddening at the same time. ~ Gabriel Foster