By Gabriel Foster

Vera sat on the balcony and raised a toast,
She smiled at life and her accomplishments,
In opening her very successful health clinic.
Healing the body was her own wine in a glass,
But healing the mind and spirit with her team,
Yielded a wine-aged satisfaction among her patients.

Vera’s team was made up of an acupuncturist,
Massage therapist, naturopathic physician,
herbalist and of course herself who was a gifted,
reiki healer like her mother before her.
They were a mixed bottle of wine blending,
Absolutely better together than if they were,
Sipped separately.

In this city of steam technology,
Any business that sparkled with success,
Most likely was paying the mayor a monthly,
Fee to stay in good business health or risk thugs,
Beating owners and vandalizing establishments.
Vera’s clinic bubbled and popped with success,
But spilled and dried up to the same corruption,
Until she started paying the fee too.

Vera finished her first glass of wine on the balcony,
Motioned the waiter inside the mayor’s office to
Come out and pour her another glass from the bottle,
Sitting at her side.
She told the waiter that her and her team,
Were happy to keep his twin children alive,
Per their healing expertise,
Providing she didn’t have to pay the mayor’s fee,
And her clinic and the staff were left alone.

She leaned closer to his ear and pointed out,
That though he was dressed as a polished waiter,
That he was still the city’s mayor, but ultimately,
Her bitch on Fridays.

GF Poetic Wisdom | Your success tastes like wine, drink cautiously, the dream of your glass also attracts scoundrels. ~ Gabriel Foster

Slideshow version of this poem can be viewed here: Click here to read