By Gabriel Foster

Heaviness weights the heart down of whoever has not
Learned to forgive and move forward in life without
That emotionally distressed arrow sticking out of them.

Forgiveness heals the subconscious pain inside,
That is twisting a knife in you and holding your spirit back
From living a lighter feeling version of yourself.

Forgive those who have wronged you and you’ll find
The ugly presence of bitterness and grudges will walk
Out the door, leaving you with a healthier and happier self.

Don’t live in a jail cell of your subconscious making,
You have a key called forgiveness in your heart,
Use it to unlock your personal dungeon and breathe again.

Don’t let life spin lies to you, that you must live in agony
with a grudge or sleeping with the enemy named Bitterness,
that type of relationship can be shown the door for a better
and lighter lover named happiness.

GF Poetic Wisdom | Forgiving those who have wronged you, is to finally pull their emotional dagger from your back, so you can breathe again. ~ Gabriel Foster