By Gabriel Foster The train pulled out from the station and she turned to Martin seeking confirmation. Martin nodded “Yes Duchess”, he acknowledged, I have the money for the exchange. Duchess smiled slightly turning her head toward the countryside village. Her face framed the window like a giant size expensive Greeting card. She adjusted her small hat and smiled her painted face again for the world to adore. “Martin! To deny the people this”, she pointed to her face, “would be a tragedy”, remember that…….. “And Martin! Are you sure the wizard can be trusted?”, she asked. “Yes Duchess! I would bet my life on it.”, Martin assured her. “Your life is amusing Martin, but let’s not Polish it up into some fancy gem, which it is not.”, Martin nodded, “ of course duchess”, and “There is no room for error.”, he continued. “The enchanted bracelet the wizard provided you, will block any attempts of Lord Bashion’s mind controlling abilities to take hold of you.” Duchess looked at the beautiful yellowish gems on her wrist and she could swear that deep within its ballroom floors of reflective splendor, that a waltz was taking place. Duchess needed the evening’s events to move along like a perfect parade of performers, executing their parts to exquisite perfection. Her kidnapped daughter should not have to suffer another day in that mansion of prisons Lord Bashion called his home. And should he not honor their deal of her returning her daughter to her for the exchange of agreed upon ransom, well together with the enchanted bracelet and the dagger of “Souls”, she would have to take back what’s hers by force. She would have to dust off the rust of assassination skills that was her former life. Motherhood, like the treasure it is, thought her over the years, that nothing was more important than loving and raising her child in the ways that mattered to a young mind, so she gave up her risky career, for a softer and gentler lifestyle. At this moment, no power on earth would stop her from playing her game of chest, where every move she calculated, brought her closer to the passion of the only jewel that mattered in her life…………..the little diamond that called her……………mother. GF Poetic Wisdom | Mothers are those beautiful written pens, that doubles as pointed knives when their ink is exhausted. ~ Gabriel Foster