By Gabriel Foster

The morning sun reached across the garden, 
illuminating Victoria, a gifted witch. 
Her sexiness scented the boxwood evergreen plants 
and flowered trees. 

Her well-dressed ferret friend Fred,
Who quietly walked behind her for emotional support,
Continued to keep an eye on her.

Her garden stroll was littered with thoughts of him, 
he who hurt her: He who without conviction 
ripped up her dreams of the colored union of marriage 
and tossed it away into the winds of despair. 

Yet within her emotional devastation, 
she found the strength to recover from the humiliation, 
pain and embarrassment of ever loving him. 
She allowed this experience to mold her into an even better person, 
a witch who would rise above negative impacts of selfish 
people and their selfish deeds. 

She continued her stroll through the garden back to the house
with the intent of accepting the job offer of senior witch 
of the council of witches in his department. 
And as each step empowered the lioness within her, she thought, 
“just one more time, to celebrate the retiring of my old self.” 
She smiled with the wickedness of a slow burning fire.  

Yes! She would light the matchstick of payback and burn 
his whole witching world down to the ground.

GF Poetic Wisdom | Revenge can be bitter sweet, but if you sit back and watch, karma can be pure  entertainment. ~ Gabriel Foster