By Gabriel Foster “Life! Some people waste it, authoring their own narrative that leads to pain, suffering and ultimately despair”. “Others write the story of their lives in perfect authorship. They write goals, that in turn yield riches in the form of family and cherished good friends. Forming relationship networks that enrich every heartbeat of their life decisions”. “Then there are people like you Geoffrey, manipulators of the human will. Pulling on emotional strings of those who need the most help in life. You play their puppet strings like musical instruments, those that have hit rock bottom and are silently crying a chorus for desperate help”. “What lead to my contract in ending you, was your continued fraternizing with my employer’s wife, Elisabeth Bradford”. “Yes! Mr. Bradford’s mansion almost exploded with the force of a nuclear bomb, when he found out that his three children were fathered by you”. Geoffrey was on his knees begging for his life. Tears running down his cheeks like toxic rivers of remorse In a yet unforeseen broken future. “Do not worry brother, I am not going to kill you. Our parents would never forgive me, but if you do not go away, Bradford would surely higher another competitor to kill you and me and wipe out my order of assassins. The radiation of his anger is still smoldering”. “There is a monastery a mile from where the order is, you are going to join them and live out your days there. The alternative as you have reasoned, would be death”. Geoffrey cried even harder while the assassin smiled even broader. “And you were supposed to be dad’s favorite son growing up”. “Get your things Geoffrey, the steam train is here”. The assassin took off his blue laser eye pointer and signaled his brother to get going. “And Geoffrey, because you never did write your goals and dreams down like a normal person, rest assured than in the Monastery, you will be helping people in need that will be happy to live your dreams from the positive teachings you will be thought”. GF Poetic Wisdom | A life lucky enough to be touched by second chances, is a life that knows gratitude. ~ Gabriel Foster