By Gabriel Foster For every rain drop that fall, A thirst starved animal bows its head In gratitude. For every droplet that takes the journey Through the ground, A plant blossom in praise to Its feast. Spin your umbrella in the down pour, Your existence is a wild prediction Of weather forecasting. Like everyone that has a wet day, You’ll eventually dry out and smile again. Withdraw your army of disapprovals, Rainy days are not your enemy, Nor do they exist to hose down your fun. Consider interruptions as a chance to Engage in other adventures that promises Its’ own sunshine. Even that same sun works in partnership with Rain. Smile at every droplet, for you and it Are miracles of fine taste. GF Poetic Wisdom | Be not angry that the rain falls at inconvenient times, be at peace knowing that every drop has your survival as a priority. ~ Gabriel Foster