By Gabriel Foster Bradford lifted his hand between curiosity and intrigue. Observation of the butterfly on his hand, Unpacked his intellect like an explosion of the atom. He continued the stroll through the forest and Filed away his observations like a thief And his newly precured stash of cash. The data his masters allowed him to gather from This aspect of their world, Was like taking in the power and the beauty of the sun, That would allow him to execute later, When the circumstances sat him down for an Intellectual symphony of debate. Bradford wondered why it was difficult for his masters’ Race to protect and preserve all this natural treasure surrounding him. His emotional data chip told him he was in envy of his masters, Being able to connect to their own network of plant and wildlife. Feeling the touch of animals and having the experience, Open doorways within themselves For further exploration of emotional welcomes and hellos. He envied the fact that people could taste a single Rain drop that caused smiling reactions. A smell of a flower caused them to relax and mentally Dance with euphoria from within. His technical brain made one final filing that day. He realized that his masters’ race For some strange reason, Were blinded to the fact that they were special and unique, In ways he could never aspire too. He went into protective and maintenance mode, Assessing that if humans could not See their worth in the ecosystem, He’d have to regularly devise a plan for his masters To bear witness to the simplicity and miracle of a butterfly. The event should ignite a smile and spark their Emotional burn of a forest fire within. GF Poetic Wisdom | When machines begin to appreciate nature, it becomes a nod to humans to reconnect to paradise. ~ Gabriel Foster