By Gabriel Foster The wind blew through the cottage like crimson royalty, depositing leaves across the cobble stone walkways, garden beds and rooftops. Inside, Alexandria comforted her friend, letting him know that all businesses eventually experience setbacks. “It’s easy in a weaken state of mind to think some invisible enemy is working against your successes in life.” “Sabotaging your dreams and cutting down your strength and enthusiasm with their sword of failure.” “Such thinking must be shown the door out of your thoughts and instead invite the clear vision of positive thinking and mindfulness inside.” “Learn to plant your tree of success within your heart, desire and discipline.” “Water it each day with the positivity of your thoughts”, she counseled her friend. “Failure only becomes real when you give up and stop tending your garden of success.” Alexandria lifted her glass encouraging Richard to do the same and together they toasted to his renewed commitment. Richard was ready for round two, he might have been knocked down like an old dead tree, but like a new growth to take its place, he was truly ready to take his business passed the storm of setbacks to ultimately win the game of success. “Tell me Alexandria?”, “How did you get to be so wise, and how old are you really?” Richard asked his friend finally. “One doesn’t live forever and not pick up some wisdom along the way Rich”, “and even though I’m a vampire, I’m still a woman and you really shouldn’t be asking a girl her age.” Alexandria answered. Richard smiled at her as he sipped his wine like an elixir of euphoria. Admiring her red lips and hypnotic earrings, necklace, and evening gown. She was a beauty, a deadly one for sure, but a beauty, nevertheless. He locked eyes with her and wondered if she was drinking wine or something of the human brand and as if in answer to his yearning question, she stirred the red liquid with her finger in the glass and licked her lips where red stains ran down her mouth and said………. “Richard, because I helped you with your business, I didn’t give you the keys to venture into my mines”. Richard’s jaw dropped when he realized she could read minds. GF Poetic Wisdom | Entrepreneurs are fascinating individuals; they experience setbacks like daggers & successes like vampires. ~ Gabriel Foster