By Gabriel Foster

Depression is the only illness that cowards in fright of your light,
And like cancer, if not evicted from inside you,
Will eventually mortgage the decline of your existence.
Use every tool, technique, and inspiration to set your mood right.

Embrace your company of uplifting friends, family, and healers,
For with an invader like depression,
Hold no shame in having a team of good hearts,
You call your people………’ll need them.

On dark days do not shrink back in sadness and despair,
But fashion the light within you into a million arrows
And fire them into the darkness of your own personal hell
And watch them light up your emotional battle with fireworks.

Never concede the victory of a day to depression,
Without landing your best blows on such an opponent.
Your fight is a reflex that guards against a debilitating,
Adversary………who would stop at nothing less than setting your day on fire.

Never give up or surrender a fight with depression,
For to concede without ever giving the fight your every endeavor,
Is to devalue your worth and deleverage a day of success,
Because the happiness fighting to emerge from you is the ultimate prize.

GF Poetic Wisdom | Swim as fast and hard as you can, until you leave your drowning ocean of depression. Wipe away your soaked sadness in smiles of drizzle. ~ Gabriel Foster

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