By Gabriel Foster The old lady reached out and poured both men a hot cup of tea, “That’s right Mr. Berkshire, I didn’t always look like this”, she said. “The rumors you heard, were true”. She withdrew her hands and Poured herself a cup as she leaned back into her chair. “Twenty-three years ago, my husband and I entered into that damn Forest, looking for a way to destroy it.”, “but fortune wasn’t paid to Us that day”, she said. “We were ambushed by one of the forest’s Agents; It reached out and palmed my face”. She recalled. “In seconds I could feel its evil disease spreading through my body, Setting my skin on internal fire and disfiguring the once beautiful Face I had”. She was slightly angry now staring off into memories. “There once was a time, I could hold men’s gaze in a hypnotic trance”, She mused, “their eyes would never think of straying to another’s face”, “their stares drank me like wine”. She slowly came back to present company. “Why do you and the rest of the town folks call this place The Night Forest, ma’am?”, Berkshire’s friend asked just before sipping on his tea. “Because Mr. Jenkins, even during the day light, the moment you step inside the forest, you’ll see it’s true nature”. “It is forever a nightscape of hellish creatures and dark behaviors”, The old woman recounted. “It’s as if you’ve entered another world in another universe, And the only way to get back is to leave the forest entirely.”, She took a breath and sipped on her cup of tea in unison with Both men. “Now gentlemen! I trust you brought the sun star with you?”, She asked. “If there is anything that would destroy that wretched forest, it would be that, yes?”, she locked eyes with them. Jenkins and Berkshire both nodded and Berkshire opened a Handkerchief that revealed a polished stone with ancient writing On it. “This is what you requested I bring you Mayor Armstrong”, Berkshire held it out to her, “it’s safe to touch”. “Tomorrow you will take the town’s garrison into the Night Forest”, And let the sun stone burn it out of existence”, mayor Armstrong Ordered the men. Both had small smiles playing on their faces. “There is just one thing you need to understand gentlemen”, she commanded their attention again. “You’re going to have to understand a little something about fear”, “the forest will make you feel it and place its agents in your way, That in itself will cause fear to paralyze your movements and decision making”, She warned. “Even if you piss yourself, dry up that embarrassment and make your Way to the heart of the forest to set off the sun stone”. “Do not let the fear rob you from any victory you may attain Tomorrow”, “for fear is a good magician and illusionist”, “it pulls miracles out of its hat, but all of it evaporates before you have a chance to inspect their authenticity”. “I know many people who fell short of brilliant, because they Allowed fear to whisper the code of failure in their ear, Just when they themselves were on the verge of success; If Only they knew what courage was, reached out and took it”. The mayor advised. Jenkins reached out and held the old woman’s hand, “We understand mayor, we won’t let you down, fear will not Stop us tomorrow, not if we keep it on a leash”. GF Poetic Wisdom | Fear is the brother of Courage, that uses any opportunity to con you out of meeting with Success, your life partner. ~ Gabriel Foster