By Gabriel Foster She danced because of the promises she made To herself long ago, Existing without living should not be her dance of choice. She danced because her goals needed to remind Her that the future was too important not to keep Writing her new chapters in her book of life. She danced with arms held out to honor her Motherhood in giving her children the best parts Of her heart. She danced elegantly with her feet to reinforce Her kindness to everyone that crossed her path, For kindness is the invitation to gratitude. She danced and shook her waist in tempting Motions that reminded her husband who is Prey and who was hunter. She danced, moved her head and flung her Hair in alignment with the stars, For the goddess within was awaking. She danced and emphasized her chest in In continuing to feed her soul with the nutrients Of love. GF Poetic Wisdom | Promises are verbal star systems, that if broken, will darken the mood of all those it was meant to shine on. ~ Gabriel Foster